- ▶Track Rebuilding
- ・Shoe Bolt Torque Controller
- ・Track Shoe Rebuilding Machine
- ・Track Link Welder
- ・Track Press 230 / 330
- ▶Roller and Idler Rebuilding
- ・Roller & Idler Press
- ・Roller And Idler Rebuilding Machine
- ・Mobile Workshop Truck 4x4 Rear Mounted Crane Type
- ・Mobile Workshop, 4x4 Drive, Hydraulic & Mono_Rail Crane
- ・Service Car
- ・Lubrication Truck
Workshop Equipment and Tools
Undercarriage Rebuilding
Hydraulic Component Reconditioning
Mobile Workshops
Off Road Tire / Wheel Equipment
Track Link Setting
Electric Eye Control
- Dimensions (L x D x H)16.3 m x 1.37 m x 2.37 m
- Shipping measurement and weight Machine 15.4 m3., 4450 kg
- Power source 1.70 m3., 975 kg
- Power requirements93.2kVA E3 phase, 50/60Hz, 230V/118A, 380V/71A or 460V/59A
- Welding performance(DC44V, 650A, duty cycle 100%) x 2
- Shipping measurement and weightMachinery 4.4 m3., 680 kg
- Power source 1.70 m3., 975 kg �E�Specifications and illustrations are subject to change without notice.
For Longer Track Life
Restore links to like-new condition with hard surfacing build-up on track link tops and sides.
Save time and labor
10 meters track link chain can be set up in approximately 30 minutes . . . . no additional time for setting up side rebuilding.
Easy operation Consolidated operator station moves with welding heads, providing easy access to al controls. Save time and labor Unique electric eye control prevents track link from welding errors.
Transistorized, electronic circuitry panel provides ease in operation and replacement in seconds.
Note: Max. Flow and Max. Pressure are inversely proportional and cannot be attained simultaneously.

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